Welcome to the Crime in Pennsylvania Dashboard
The Pennsylvania UCR Program serves as the state repository for the collection of crime statistics and its primary objective is to generate reliable information for use in law enforcement administration, operation, and management. As the Program has evolved and the demand for transparency has increased, so has the demand for the data compiled under this Program. Members of the general public, such as legislators, media, academia, etc., have come to rely upon this data for information on the fluctuations in the level of crime from year to year. To ensure accuracy in the numbers, the Department makes every effort to ensure accuracy in reporting by providing training, as well as, quality control checks on the data to ensure the validity of the data that it receives from the more than 1,000 agencies contributing to the Program. The accuracy of the statistics depends primarily on the adherence of each contributor on established standards of reporting; therefore, it is the responsibility of each contributor to submit accurate data and to correct any data found to be submitted in error. It is important to note that participation in the program by law enforcement agencies is voluntary.
Crime Dashboard
*Details for Part 2 offenses can be obtained by clicking on the Reports tab

Offenses and Clearances

Stolen Property by Type and Value
Monetary Value of Property Stolen

*Arrest details for Part 2 offenses can be obtained by clicking on the Reports tab

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Number of Hate Crime Offenses